SFPT - Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique

EPHAR Activities in 2016 - Sponsoring

Dear Friends, 

EPHAR is pleased to announce that in order to advance research and education in Pharmacology and to promote co-operation between pharmacologists in Europe the Federation will again sponsor a number of EPHAR Lectures, Symposia, Poster Award at a national meeting of the member society, Young Investigators Awards 2016, and Instructional Courses organized by EPHAR ​M​ember ​S​ocieties in 2016 ​ (including Jan and Feb 201 ​7​ ).

EPHAR activities in 2016 include sponsoring of the following:

5 EPHAR lectures at national societies meetings ( 5 x 1000 EUR)

1 EPHAR symposium at the National Society Meeting ( 1x 2000 EUR)

1 joint EPHAR- EACPT symposium held at 7th EPHAR Congress in Istanbul 2016  (2500 EUR)

Young Investigators Awards:

5 travel awards to students (Ph. D. students attending 7th EPHAR Congress in Istanbul; they should be members of national societies affiliated with EPHAR and active participants of EPHAR 2016 Congress) (5 x 500 EUR )

5 Poster awards to students (Ph. D. students attending 7th EPHAR Congress in Istanbul; they should be members of national societies affiliated with EPHAR and active participants of EPHAR 2016 Congress) (5 x 500 EUR )

2 awards in translational pharmacology (shared with EACPT and awarded at 7th EPHAR Congress in Istanbul 2016;  1 award EPHAR, 1 EACPT)

1 EPHAR award at Istanbul meeting

The guidelines for all​​​ types of EPHAR activities where you will find all relevant information for submission of applications are available on the

EPHAR web site

Note that normally not more than one activity will be supported per country. If more than one application is submitted or more applications are received than can be funded, the final decision will be made by the selection committee. Applications should be submitted in electronic form (Word.DOC or PDF) to the Secretary General of EPHAR.

The deadline for submission of applications is 12 February 2016

​ The deadline for submission of young investigator awards (1 EPHAR, 1 EACPT) in Translational Research in Pharmacology is 7 March 2016

If you need any further information or assistance you may contact :

Teresa Tejerina
Secretary General  "The Federation European Pharmacological Societies" EPHAR
Full Professor  of Pharmacology 
School of Medicine
Universidad Complutense
Madrid 28040,  Spain
Tel, Fax: + 34 91 3941476

Election au Comité 'European Certified Pharmacologists (EuCP)

L'EPHAR vient de procéder aux élections des membres du Comité EuCP (European Certified Pharmacologist). Le candidat proposé par la SFPT (Vincent RICHARD) a été élu au sein de ce comité. Les autres élus au titre des "Senior Societies" sont Oner Suzer (Turquie) et Álvarez de Sotomayor (Espagne). Les 3 élus rejoignent au comité EuCP le deux représentants du comité exécutif de l'EPHAR Filippo Drago (EPHAR President) et Thomas Griesbacher (EPHAR President elect)
Voir la présentation du projet EuCP faite à l'AG SFPT 2014


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