SFPT - Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique

N'oubliez pas de répondre à l'enquête de l'EACPT

Chers membres, cela ne vous prendra que 4 minutes pour répondre à cette enquête, la France est pour le moment peu représentée.
Merci par avance

Dear Colleagues 
Thank you very much to those of you who have already responded to the very brief EACPT survey. Several hundred responses have been received so far with Spain, Sweden and even the UK showing strongly amongst them. As you know EACPT is really trying to serve the future needs of European clinical pharmacologists, strengthening collaborations and supporting our discipline. This survey is about how best we can make EACPT work for everybody. I would really appreciate it if you were able to forward this message to anyone who you think may not have filled in the survey so far.
The link to the survey is : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/L585FSR
Kind regards
Simon Maxwell
Secretary - EACPT



Dear EACPT Member Societies,
As 2015 draws to a close, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all our national society members and individual members all the best for the festive season and for 2016.

The New Year will see further major activities for EACPT, including:

  • The next EACPT Focus Meeting,6th to 9th October in partnership with the Croatian Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. The theme of the meeting is “How to Assess Medicines from Research to Clinical Practice”. 
  • Planning is already well underway for the next biennial EACPT Congress, to be held in Prague from 23rd – 27th June in 2017.  
  • Following the launch of individual associate membership, further working groups have been launched, complementing the established EACPT Education Working Group. These working groups provide excellent opportunities to become actively involved in the running of EACPT. If you are interested in being part of one of the following Working Groups, please contact Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. . :
    • Education 
    • Ethics and Regulations
    • Research 
    • Young Clinical Pharmacologists
  • A library of almost 60 videos of talks from the 2015 Madrid Congress is available within the member pages of the EACPT website www.eacpt.eu. This enriches the library of videos from the Cardiovascular Focus Meeting held in Nijmegen from which there are 5 talks already present on the EACPT website. As you have already registered on the website as an EACPT member, you can already access the videos by logging on to the website as normal here.

I am sure you will agree, 2016 looks set to be an exciting year, so join me in looking forward as we end the year!

Professor Tabassome Simon (Chair of EACPT)

Appel des jeunes pharmacologues européens

Chers membres,

Un groupe de travail des jeunes pharmacologues européens a été récemment créé au sein de l'EACPT. L'un des objectifs de ce groupe de travail est de favoriser les échanges et la mobilité des jeunes pharmacologes en Europe. Pour cela, les membres du groupe souhaitent recenser les différents centres français de pharmacologie clinique intéressés par l'idée d'accueillir des étudiants/post-docs étrangers, pour améliorer leur visibilité et faciliter la tâche aux plus jeunes. Nous vous invitons à lire ces quelques mots de Mathieu Roustit sur le sujet :

Lettre de M.Roustit, membre du GT des jeunes pharmacologues de l'EACPT

EACPT: lauréats "scientific awards"

Les prix scientifiques 2015 de l'EACPT ont été accordés au Pr. Nicholas Bateman et au Dr. Dr Eva-Luise Hobl. Plus de détails...

EACPT: résumé de la réunion du conseil exécutif

Le résumé de la dernière réunion du conseil exécutif de l'EACTP qui s'est tenu à Kiel les 10 et 11 avril est disponible à l'adresse: http://eacpt.blogspot.de/2015/04/the-eacptexecutive-committee-has-been.html

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